影响世界进程的100位管理大师 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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[编辑] |
罗伯特•豪斯(Robert J. House)出生于1936年,曾经就读于底特律大学,获理学学士学位,后又在底特律大学获工商管理硕士学位。在24岁时(1960年),他获得俄亥俄州立大学的哲学博士学位。豪斯曾在多所高校任教,先后执教于纽约市立大学(CUNY)的伯纳德·巴鲁克学院(Bernard M. Baruch college)、密歇根大学和俄亥俄州立大学,后来落脚于加拿大的多伦多大学。他在 1965~1968年间,曾出任麦金瑟管理学研究基金会的执行理事。
Robert J. House received his Ph.D. degree in Management from the Ohio State University, June 1960. He was appointed the Joseph Frank Bernstein Professor Endowed Chair of Organization Studies at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania in 1988. He has published 130 journal articles. In total, his articles have been reprinted in approximately 50 anthologies of readings in Management and Organizational Behavior
House received the Award for Distinguished Scholarly Contribution to Management, and four awards for outstanding publications. The awards were conferred by the Academy of Management and the Canadian Association of Administrative Sciences. He has also authored two papers which are Scientific Citations Classics.
He is a Fellow of the Academy of Management, American Psychological Association, and Society for Industrial/Organizational Psychology. He has served as chairperson of the Academy of Management Division of Organizational Behavior between (1972-73) and President of the Administrative Science Association of Canada (1985-86).
House was the Principle Investigator of the Global Leadership And Organizational Behavior Effectiveness Research Program (GLOBE) from 1993 through 2003. In this capacity he has visited universities in 38 countries during this period of time. He has also been a visiting scholar or visiting professor at 14 universities, most of which are in Europe or Asia.
House’s major research interests are the role of personality traits and motives as they relate to effective leadership and organizational performance, power and personality in organizations, leadership, and the implications of cross-cultural variation for effective leadership and organizational performance.
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豪斯主张领导方式的可变性。他认为,领导方式是有弹性的,为了考察这些方面,豪斯确定了四种领导行为。这四种领导方式可能在同一个领导者身上出现,因为领导者可以根据不同的情况斟酌选择,在实践中采用最适合于下属特征和工作需要的领导风格。豪斯强调,领导者的责任就是根据不同的环境因素来选择不同的领导方式。如果强行用某一种领导方式在所有环境条件 下实施领导行为,必然会导致领导活动的失败。
随着时代的发展,豪斯也没有固守着“目标-途径理论”而止步不前。20世纪90 年代中期,豪斯和他的同事们根据多年的实证研究,在“目标-途径”理论的基础上,综合了领导特质理论、领导行为理论以及权变理论的特点,以组织愿景替换并充实原来的“目标-途径”,围绕着价值这个核心概念,阐述了什么样的行为能有效地帮助领导者形成组织的共同价值,以及这些行为的实施条件,提出了以价值为基础的领导理论。
豪斯在企业管理和学术研究刊物上发表过数十篇论文,出版了五部著作。其中以1976年出版的《管理过程及组织行为》(与艾伦·菲利、斯蒂芬·克尔合著)最为出名,被许多院校采用作为教科书。此外,他还兼任美国管理科学院研究员和美国心理学会特别会员,是《管理科学院评论》、《加拿大行为科学》与 《组织行为学教学杂志》等刊物的编委。
豪斯于1971年在《行政科学季刊》上发表了《有关领导效率的目标-途径理论》一文,后来,他又与米切尔合作,于1974年秋发表了《关于领导方式的目标-途径理论》(Path-Goal Theory of Leadership),这两篇文章在管理学界产生了很大影响。在90年代中期,豪斯又对这一理论进行了进一步补充和完善。学界普遍认为,在各种领导理论中,豪斯和米切尔的目标-途径理论的学理性是较强的,影响也是较大的。