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至2008年为止,在连续5年的BI行业权威性的OLAP Survey调查中,MicroStrategy实际处理数据量的能力都是业界第一;同时,MicroStrategy客户忠诚度排名四次蝉联第一。
微战略公司是商务智能、企业报表和联机分析系统方面的软件供应商。其软件可提空报表和分析储存在相关数据库、多维度数据库或文件数据库中数据。微战略公司将其核心分析报告软件视为“相关联机分析系统”构架,其可使商务人员更容易通过构建的虚拟多维立体结构来理解相关数据并依据其决策。从2003年发布MicroStrategy 7i以来,微战略公司同时也可支持多维联机分析系统处理。
MicroStrategy was founded in 1989 by Michael Saylor, Sanju Bansal, and Thomas Spahr.
MicroStrategy became a public company in 1998 - Nasdaq: MSTR.
MicroStrategy started as a consulting firm focused on multidimensional modeling and simulation. Early customers included DuPont, Rhone Poulenc Rohrer, McDonald's, Ameritech, and Detroit Edison. In 1992, the company released its first BI software product, EISToolkit. MicroStrategy published a white paper in 1994, 'Enterprise Data Delivery Architecture,' which outlined the principles of relational OLAP. In the same year, MicroStrategy developed and released DSSAgent 2.0, a client server software based on the principles of Dynamic SQL generation and Relational OLAP.
In 1995, the company released DSSAgent 3.0, one of the first three-tier ROLAP-based architectures in the industry. MicroStrategy published a white paper in 1996 entitled,'The Case for Relational OLAP,' comparing Relational OLAP to Multidimensional OLAP architectures.
MicroStrategy DSSWeb was released in 1996, marking the industry's first web-based query and reporting environment. In 1999, MicroStrategy DSSBroadcaster was launched, one of the industry's first products to deliver BI alerts via email, cell phone, and pager. MicroStrategy founded two noteworthy dot-coms. Strategy.com in 1999 was among the first service to broadcast custom alerts (such as stock price alerts) to wireless devices, but now it is just a mirror of microstrategy.com. It founded Angel.com in 1999 as a customizable telephone-based portal.
In 2000, Michael Saylor and other executives of the company were fined for their role in an accounting scandal. That same year, MicroStrategy released MicroStrategy 7, which was a complete rewrite of its software product line. In 2002, MicroStrategy 7i was released offering the MOLAP style of analysis.
In 2003, MicroStrategy released Report Services to offer a pixel-perfect report writer similar to Crystal Reports. MicroStrategy 8 was announced in January 2005, which included MicroStrategy Universal, providing support for 64-bit Unix operating systems.
In 2009, the company launched MicroStrategy 9, which supports departmental and enterprise business intelligence applications from a single, integrated platform.
MicroStrategy was among the companies to have its stock value skyrocket during the dot-com boom. It was a prominent advertiser during the Super Bowl XXXIV in 2000. An accounting scandal in 2000 caused the stock to drop 61% on March 20, 2000 alone, losing over 95% of its value in a few weeks. Adjusted for stock splits, the company traded for an all-time high of $333 on March 10, 2000, and an all-time low of $4.20 on July 3, 2002 during the stock market downturn of 2002. MicroStrategy remained focused on its technology and its customers and, by 2007, MicroStrategy's revenues had exceeded $300 million and the company had offices in more than 20 countries worldwide.
MicroStrategy was named to the Forbes 200 Best Small Companies in America List in October 2007 and October 2008.
MicroStrategy was positioned by Gartner, Inc. in the Leaders quadrant in the 2008 and 2009 Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence Platforms reports.
The company's most recent software suite is MicroStrategy 9, which was announced in January 2009 and made generally available in March 2009. MicroStrategy 9 is the company's most significant release in nearly a decade, with more than 8,000 enhancements and upgrades along with new products through advancements to the platform. Some of the new products and capabilities in MicroStrategy 9 include MultiSource Option, which supports transparent querying of multiple databases and sources; In-memory ROLAP for improved query performance at high scale; self-service reporting and dashboard capabilities; and Distribution Services for high volume managed report distribution on a scheduled basis.
As a result of the consolidation in the BI industry, MicroStrategy remains one of the few independent BI software providers. When IBM announced its plans to acquire Cognos and SAP announced plans to purchase Business Objects, MicroStrategy announced its plans to aggressively recruit employees and customers from its competitors.
MicroStrategy has several thousand customers including Lowes, McDonalds, U.S. Army, Universal Studios Hollywood, KB Toys, and Priceline.com. Many MicroStrategy customers have invested in the development of large scale data warehouses or data marts as part of their business intelligence initiatives.
In the BI Survey 7, an independent survey of the business intelligence market released in 2008, MicroStrategy received the top product loyalty score of all BI vendors surveyed. This is the fourth consecutive year that MicroStrategy has been rated number one in customer loyalty. In 2008 and 2009, MicroStrategy was placed in the Leader quadrant of Gartner's Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence Platforms report.
MicroStrategy has direct operations in 41 cities in 23 countries across the world.
MicroStrategy 8由MicroStrategy 7架构发展而来。它继承已成为MicroStrategy技术标志的企业级强度特性—包括最高的用户扩展性、最高的数据扩展性,以即插即用组件方式支持5 种商务智能应用,以及不间断操作和强大的用户管理功能。有了MicroStrategy 8,MicroStrategy商务智能产品的强大功能可以扩展到更多的业务人员,管理更多方面的业务绩效。
MicroStrategy 8在MicroStrategy 7架构基础上实现了突破性扩展,可以将商务智能扩展到更多的业务人员,管理更多方面的业务绩效。MicroStrategy 8包括了八个方面的技术突破,具有四个方面的业务优势:
1. 改进的MicroStrategy 8 Web接口: MicroStrategy 8使用了新的优化的用户接口。新的用户接口包含生动的“一键”式操作,通过此接口可以使业务人员在浏览和查看数据时更有效率。它使用一个全新设计的简洁的界面,使用了更多的类似于Windows对话框、浮动提示、取消/重新执行按钮等规范,使得业务人员不通过预先培训就能很容易的使用软件。
2. 完全交互式的报表: MicroStrategy 8通过完全交互式的报表和计分卡,增强了MicroStrategy的报表功能。业务用户无需IT人员的支持就可以通过简单的拖拽式操作或点击工具栏图标,查看新的数据或者重新排列与组织报表。
3.在日常报表和计分卡中无缝整合分析内容: 使用MicroStrategy 8可将强大的分析功能直接用于企业报表或计分卡。MicroStrategy 8以两种方式整合分析。第一种方式通过向文档中的报表提供OLAP功能,使业务人员在分析数据时可停留在一定的上下文环境。第二种方法是允许用户从报表文档“钻取”到一个分析视图,此视图可以为详单级数据。这两种方式的分析整合对于业务人员都是自动的和完全无缝的。
4. 所见即所得的报表设计: MicroStrategy 8扩展了报表设计功能,在高级用户和报表设计者之外还支持业务人员。MicroStrategy 8在业界第一次实现了在一个零脚本下载的Web界面下,业务用户完全以自定义的所见即所得方式设计报表。所见即所得设计代表了一种简便的设计报表模式,使得普通业务人员可以按照他们想要的方式“调整”报表,而不用费时费力的与报表设计人员反复讨论设计。
5. 直接访问 SAP BW: MicroStrategy 8架构中增加了一个新的数据访问引擎。这个新的引擎用于访问多维数据库(MDDB或者OLAP Cube),这个新的动态MDX引擎使用SAP BW的高性能BAPI接口,产生优化的MDX语法。因为MicroStrategy的MDX是在访问SAP InfoCube、QueryCube和ODS的多维模型时动态产生的,所以用户可以透明的钻取到SAP BW取得更多的数据,无需预先编程规划或设计钻取路径。MicroStrategy 8可以合并SAP BW InfoCube和QueryCube数据,包括访问SAP BW的多个实例。
6. 直接访问运营数据 (ERP系统): MicroStrategy 8扩展了MicroStrategy的元数据库架构,完全建立在查询基础上的实体和事实可以来自于非模型化数据库。MicroStrategy 8的SQL引擎可以完全使用自定义SQL语句,包括使用存储过程与视图从任意运营系统提取数据展示在MicroStrategy报表中。这些实体与事实完全存放在MicroStrategy元数据库中,能够使用MicroStrategy的安全架构和其他可重用的对象,例如提示等。
7. 合并企业的异构数据: MicroStrategy 8扩展了数据建模的灵活性,包括从异构数据存储中整合数据。通过MicroStrategy对象模型中的统一维度,MicroStrategy 8可以在一张报表文档中自动合并不同数据源数据,包括数据仓库、数据集市、SAP BW和其它一些运营型数据库。
8. 整合数据挖掘到日常报表或分析: MicroStrategy 8使用“Data Mining Services”扩展了其分析引擎,允许在日常MicroStrategy报表和分析中包含趋势预测功能。MicroStrategy 8的分析引擎包含有四种基本的数据挖掘函数,包括神经网络算法、聚类算法、回归算法和决策树算法,同时也可以从其它的数据挖掘产品比如IBM、SAS和 SPSS等使用PMML标准导入数据挖掘模型。有了这项功能,任何数据挖掘算法均可以导入到MicroStrategy中,作为标准的度量使用,象其它度量一样自由地应用于报表、分析和预警。