





  摩利基金管理公司(Morley Fund Management)为英杰华保险(AvivaPLC)旗下全资基金管理公司,是英国最大的主动型基金经营者之一,总部位于伦敦,已有30多年的历史。据摩利基金官方网站显示,摩利集团现管理2460亿美元资产

  Morley is a London-based asset management business wholly owned by Aviva plc, one of the world's largest financial services groups. Morley is one of the UK’s largest active fund managers. In Europe, it is one of the biggest property investment managers with £30billion / €44billion of property assets under management. Morley group companies have assets of £168.32 billion / €250.34 billion under management.

  We have developed the skills to invest in a broad range of assets as a result of understanding our clients’ needs and aiming to do so better than our competitors.

  Our relationship with our parent company has provided us with a platform to be able to develop our investment skills. We are creative, independent thinkers, have a deep understanding of the financial climate and the changing needs of our clients which means that we can offer solutions tailored to these needs.

  As well as investing across the more traditional range of assets, we investigate specialised areas of the market and uncover new and innovative investment opportunities.

  The result is a broad range of investment offerings, from multiple cash products through to alternatives such as hedge funds and private equity. We have won awards across every asset class from Property to Equities to Fixed Income as well as for SRI, Alternative Investments and Multi-Asset products.
