


大卫·库伯(David Kolb,1939~)

大卫·库伯(David Kolb,1939~) :体验式学习大师。


  • 1 大卫·库伯简介
  • 2 库伯的学习圈理论


  大卫·库伯(David Kolb)出生于1939年,是美国社会心理学家、教育家,也是一位著名的体验式学习大师。

  在1984年, 大卫·库伯曾在他的著作《体验学习:体验——学习发展的源泉》(Experiential Learning: Experience as the source of learning and development)一书中提出了颇具影响的体验学习概念。并且,他把体验学习阐释为一个体验循环过程:具体的体验——对体验的反思——形成抽象的概念——行动实验——具体的体验,如此循环,形成一个贯穿的学习经历,学习者自动地完成着反馈与调整,经历一个学习过程,在体验中认知。

  David A. Kolb (born 1939) is an American educational theorist whose interests and publications focus on experiential learning, the individual and social change, career development, and executive and professional education. He is the founder and chairman of Experience Based Learning Systems, Inc. (EBLS), and a Professor of Organizational Behavior in the Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio.

  Kolb earned his BA from Knox College in 1961 and his MA and Ph.D. from Harvard University in 1964 and 1967 respectively, in social psychology. In the early 1970s, Kolb and Ron Fry (now both at the Weatherhead School of Management) developed "The Experiential Learning Model," composed of four elements:

  These four elements are the essence of a spiral of learning that can begin with any one of the four elements, but typically begins with a concrete experience. He named his model to emphasize its links to ideas from John Dewey, Jean Piaget, Kurt Lewin, and others writers of the experiential learning paradigm. His model was developed predominantly for use with adult education, but has found widespread pedagogical implications in higher education. Dr. Kolb is renowned in educational circles for his Learning Style Inventory (LSI). His model is built upon the idea that learning preferences can be described using two continuums: active experimentation-reflective observation and abstract conceptualization-concrete experience. The result is four types of learners: converger (active experimentation-abstract conceptualization), accommodator (active experimentation-concrete experience), assimilator (reflective observation-abstract conceptualization), and diverger (reflective observation-concrete experience). The LSI is designed to determine an individual's learning preference. The Kolb Learning Style Inventory (version 3.1) is available exclusively through Hay Group Transforming Learning.


  体验式学习理论的完整提出,当属20世纪80年代美国人大卫·库伯(David kolb),在总结了约翰·杜威(John.Dewey)、库尔特·勒温(Kurt Lewin,1890~1947)和皮亚杰经验学习模式的基础之上提出自己的经验学习模式亦即经验学习圈理论(experiential learning)。


