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埃德加·M·胡佛(Edgar Malone Hoover)——美国区域经济学家
埃德加·M·胡佛(Edgar Malone Hoover)是美国区域经济学家,早在1937年,他就发表了《区位理论与靴鞋和皮革工业》,从历史的角度叙述了不同经济发展阶段的区位结构(locational patterns)。《区域经济学导论》是胡佛的又一重要著作。
Edgar M. Hoover was Distinguished Service Professor of Economics, Emeritus, University of Pittsburgh. He retired in 1972 and is now deceased. He received his A.B., A.M., and Ph.D. degrees from Harvard University, and in 1976 received an honorary Litt. D. from the University of Glasgow. He taught at the University of Michigan and Harvard University, and served with the National Resources Planning Board, the Office of Price Administration, and the Council of Economic Advisers. From 1959 to 1963 he was director of the economic study of the Pittsburgh region for the Pittsburgh Regional Planning Association, and in 1962 was president of the Regional Science Association. He served as economic consultant to various government agencies, foundations, research institutes, and business firms. Professor Hoover authored several books including: Location Theory and the Shoe and Leather Industries (1937) and The Location of Economic Activity (1948), and coauthored Population Growth and Economic Development in Low-Income Countries (1958) and Anatomy of a Metropolis (1959). His articles and reviews have appeared in a number of professional journals.
运输区位论是美国经济学家埃德加·M·胡佛(Edgar M. Hoover)1948年提出运费由终点费(包括装卸费、仓库、码头、管理、保养维修等费用)和运行费(线路维修、管理、运输工具磨损、动能消耗、保险费运输工人工资等)两部分组成,运行费与运输距离呈正比,而终点费与运距无关,因此每吨公里的运费随运距增加而递减。