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金教授和莫博涅教授都是价值创新网络(Value Innovation Network,VIN)的缔造者,这个网络是由价值创新系列感念的实践者组成的全球社团。他们也是设在新加坡的价值创新行动库(Value Innovation Action Tank,VIAT)的董事会成员。
Renée Mauborgne is Co-Founder and Co-Director of the INSEAD Blue Ocean Strategy Institute and The INSEAD Distinguished Fellow and a professor of strategy at INSEAD, France (the world's second largest business school). She was born in the United States.
Mauborgne is a Fellow of the World Economic Forum. Her Harvard Business Review articles, co-authored with W. Chan Kim, are worldwide bestsellers and have sold over half a million reprints. Their Value Innovation and Fair Process articles were selected as among the best classic articles ever published in Harvard Business Review. They have co-authored articles in The Wall Street Journal, The Wall Street Journal Europe, The New York Times and The Financial Times amongst others.
Mauborgne has published numerous articles on strategy and managing the multinational which can be found in: Academy of Management Journal, Management Science, Organization Science, Strategic Management Journal, Administrative Science Quarterly, Journal of International Business Studies, Harvard Business Review, Sloan Management Review and others. She is the co-author of Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make the Competition Irrelevant (Harvard Business School Press, 2005). Blue Ocean Strategy has become an "International Bestseller," after reaching the "Wall Street Journal Bestseller," "BusinessWeek Bestseller," and "National (American) Bestseller" status. It sold over one million copies in the first year and is being published in 41 languages, breaking HBSP's historical record of most foreign language translations ever achieved. Blue Ocean Strategy won the Best Business Book of 2005 Prize at the Frankfurt Book Fair. It was also selected as the number one Strategy Book of 2005 by Strategy + Business, Booz Allen & Hamilton's leading business magazine, and as a Top Ten Business Book of 2005 by Amazon.com.
Mauborgne is a winner of the Eldridge Haynes Prize, awarded by the Academy of International Business and the Eldridge Haynes Memorial Trust of Business International, for the best original paper in the field of international business. Thinkers 50, the global ranking of management gurus, places Mauborgne among the top ten most influential thinkers in 2007. She was also selected as the highest placed woman on Thinkers 50, and was named along with her colleague W. Chan Kim as "the number one gurus of the future" by L'Expansion. The Sunday Times (London) called them "two of Europe's brightest business thinkers. Kim and Mauborgne provide a sizeable challenge to the way managers think about and practice strategy." The Observer called Kim and Mauborgne, "the next big gurus to hit the business world." She won the 2007 Asia Brand Leadership Award.
Mauborgne co-founded the Blue Ocean Strategy Network (BOSN), a global community of practice on the Blue Ocean Strategy family of concepts that they created. BOSN embraces academics, consultants, executives, and government officers
勒妮·莫博涅曾对商业策略和管理多国企业发表过许多文章,散见于《管理学院期刊》、《管理科学》、《组织科学》、《策略管理期刊》、《行政管理学季刊》、《国际商业研究期刊》、《哈佛商业评论》、《史隆管理评论》和其他刊物。她在《哈佛商业评论》发表的文章曾集结成书,畅销全球,销售逾五十万册。莫伯格尼教授也供稿给《金融时报》、《华尔街日报》、《欧洲华尔街日报》、《纽约时报》和其他报刊。她的研究曾获许多报刊特别报导,包括《经济学人》(Economist)、《策略与企业》(Strategy + Business)、《伦敦泰晤士报》、德国《经济周刊》(Wirtschaftswoche)、《工商协进会》、法国《扩展商业周刊》 (L'Expansion)、丹麦《Borsen》报、瑞典《Svenska Dagbladet》报、《澳洲金融评论》、香港《南华早报》、《南非周日时报》、《新加坡海峡时报》、德国《Handelsblatt》报等等。
W.钱.金(W. Chan Kim)与勒妮·莫博涅(Renee Mauborgne)则认为市场环境已然发生巨大改变,特别是伴随着竞争严重同质化,市场日益拥挤,以及利基市场不断消失,以三大基本战略为主体的红海战略(Red Ocean Strategy)虽则依然十分重要,但是已经不足以帮助企业取得良好业绩,维持上乘表现。我们必须超越竞争,开创蓝海,在红海和蓝海之间创造一种新的平衡。
红海战略关注的是在现存市场空间内如何战胜竞争对手,它是市场竞争策略。而蓝海战略(Blue Ocean Strategy)关注的则是如何通过价值创新(Value Innovation),脱离已有的市场边界,创造或发现新需求,从而超越竞争(书中用的是“甩脱”二字,不知原文为何?),避免在差异化与低成本之间取舍。它是市场创造策略。
当然,实施蓝海战略远非只是改变观念这么简单。事实上,W.钱.金(W. Chan Kim)与勒妮·莫博涅(Renee Mauborgne)也承认蓝海虽然是一个新名词,但并非什么新事物。现实中已有许多成功的蓝海战略实践者,只是并未形成系统的操作工具与分析框架,带有许多不确定性与风险,从而不为大多数企业所采用。而与此同时,对于红海战略,却有着许多成熟的理论与实践可供指导企业采取行动。
为此,他们在畅销书《蓝海战略》(Blue Ocean Strategy: how to create uncontested market space and make the competition irrelevant)中尤为关注操作层面,提出了战略制定4原则,亦即重建市场边界、注重全局而非数字、超越现有需求、遵循合理的战略顺序,以及战略执行2原则,亦即克服关键组织障碍、将战略执行建成战略的一部分,共同致力于价值创新。
W.钱.金(W. Chan Kim)与勒妮·莫博涅(Renee Mauborgne)在分析了大量开创蓝海的实践之后,发现了重建市场边界的六条路径框架:跨越他择(注意:非替代)产业、跨越战略集团、跨越买方链、跨越互补性产品和服务项目、跨越针对卖方的功能与情感导向、跨越时间,从产业、战略集团、买方群体、产品或服务范围、功能-情感导向以及时间六个角度对传统思维予以颠覆与创新。现有的大多数企业却深陷与之相反的六大传统假设之中:(1)人云亦云地为产业定界,并致力于成为其中最佳;(2)局限于所谓的战略集团框架;(3)只关注单一的买方群体,或者是购买者,或者是使用者,或者是决策影响者;(4) 以与对手相同的方式为产业中的产品或服务定义;(5)接受产业内现有的产品功能或情感导向;(6)只关注现阶段的竞争威胁。