
俄罗斯耶弗拉兹集团(Evraz Group)



  • 1 俄罗斯耶弗拉兹集团的简介
  • 2 俄罗斯耶弗拉兹集团旗下公司
  • 3 俄罗斯耶弗拉兹集团发展史
  • 4 俄罗斯耶弗拉兹集团业务介绍






  Evraz Group S.A. is a large vertically-integrated steel, mining and vanadium business with operations in the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Europe, USA, Canada and South Africa. The Company is ranked the 14th largest steel producer in the world based on crude steel production of 15.3 million tonnes in 2009. Evraz is largely self-sufficient in respect of its iron ore and coking coal requirements with the majority of its internal consumption covered by its mining operations. Evraz's consolidated revenues for the year ended 31 December 2009 totalled US$9,772 million, while consolidated adjusted EBITDA(1) amounted to US$1,237 million.

  In 2009, the Company hold large shares of the Russian steel construction product market, in particular of H-beams, channels and rebars. Evraz accounts for 100% of rail sales in Russia and ranks second in the country’s rail wheel market.

  Evraz is also a major supplier of semi-finished products, slabs and billets to world markets.

  Evraz is a prominent player in the European plate market.

  Evraz is the No 1 producer of rails in the USA, the second largest producer of plate in terms of capacity and is acknowledged as a primary North American producer of tubular products, particularly in respect of LD pipes and OCTG pipes.

  Evraz’s mining operations ensure high levels of self-sufficiency in respect of supplies of iron ore and coking coal required for the Company’s steelmaking processes.

  Evraz is also an important player in the world vanadium market. The Company’s international vanadium business comprises Evraz Highveld Steel and Vanadium Corporation in South Africa, Vanady-Tula in Russia, Nikom in the Czech Republic and Strategic Minerals Corporation in the United States. The Company produces various vanadium products including ferrovanadium, Nitrovan® vanadium and vanadium oxides and chemicals that are used in steelmaking and other applications.

  Evraz also owns and operates the Nakhodka Commercial Sea Port (“NTMP”) in the Far East of Russia and Chemzone Ltd., the Carbofer steel distribution network in Russia.

  In March 2010 Evraz Group successfully tendered to develop the Mezhegey coking coal deposit in the Republic of Tyva, East Siberia.

  Evraz Group S.A. is a public company registered in Luxembourg. The Company’s Global Depositary Receipts (GDRs), valued on the basis of one GDR equating to one third of one ordinary share, have been traded on the London Stock Exchange, under the stock symbol EVR, since June 2005. GDRs, as of 31 December 2009, represented 28.76% of the Company’s issued share capital.


  Evraz Group’s principal metallurgical assets include three of Russia’s leading steel plants: Nizhny Tagil Iron and Steel Plant (“NTMK”) in the Urals region and West Siberian Iron and Steel Plant (“Zapsib”) and Novokuznetsk Iron and Steel Plant (“NKMK”) in Siberia. The Company's presence in North America comprises its steelmaking subsidiary Evraz Inc. NA, which includes Evraz Oregon Steel, Evraz Claymont Steel and Evraz Rocky Mountain Steel in the United States together with Evraz Red Deer Works, Evraz Calgary Works, Evraz Camrose Works and Evraz Regina Steel in Canada. Evraz also owns the Dnepropetrovsk Iron and Steel Works (“DMZ”) in Ukraine, Evraz Palini e Bertoli (“Evraz Palini e Bertoli”) in Italy, Evraz Vitkovice Steel (“Evraz Vitkovice”) in the Czech Republic and Evraz Highveld Steel and Vanadium Corporation Limited (“Evraz Highveld”) in South Africa. In Ukraine, Evraz acquired three coking plants – Bagleykoks Coke Chemical Plant (“Bagleykoks”), Dnepropetrovsk Coke Chemical Plant (“Dneprokoks”) and Dneprodzerzhinsk Coke Chemical Plant (“DKHZ”).

  The Company’s mining division includes the iron ore mining complexes: Evrazruda, Kachkanarsky Ore Mining and Processing Enterprise Vanady (‘KGOK”) and Vysokogorsky Ore Mining and Processing Enterprise (“VGOK”) in Russia, the Sukha Balka Iron Ore Mining and Processing Complex (“Sukha Balka”) in Ukraine and the Yuzhkuzbassugol Coal Company (”Yuzhkuzbassugol”) in Western Siberia. The Company also holds a 40% equity interest in the Raspadskaya Coal Company (“Raspadskaya”). Evraz operates as a vertically-integrated steel producer: in 2009 the Company was self-sufficient in respect of 96% of its internal iron ore requirements and 74% of its coking coal consumption. Evraz produced approximately 17.4 million tonnes of iron ore products in 2009 and mined 10.3 million tonnes of coking coal.






