


高浦能源(Galp Energia):是葡萄牙最大的能源企业,为国有公司,拥有数家国际石油及天然气企业。



  • 1 高浦能源简介
  • 2 高浦能源的历史


  高浦能源(Galp Energia)是葡萄牙最大的能源企业,为国有公司,拥有数家国际石油及天然气企业。


  葡萄牙目前有两座炼油厂, 分别位于北部波尔图市(Porto)及中部西纳斯市(Sines),均由葡萄牙汽油公司(PETROGAL)经营,生产能力总和为30万桶/天,该公司还掌握着炼油产品的零售权及国家输油管线。葡萄牙炼油产品输送管线长度为174公里,石油管线长度8公 里。

  高浦能源的子公司,葡萄牙天然气公司(Gas de Portugal)独家经营天然气产业,从天然气进口、运输及销售均独家掌握,供销渠道则通过其控股的6家遍布全国的分销公司操纵。葡萄牙天然气管道总长度为1099公里,其中两条连接西班牙的塔里发(Tarifa)和图依(Tuy),输送能力分别为 3.3亿立方 米/天和1200万立方米/天。

  2003年10月,葡萄牙在中部西纳斯市(Sines)建立了第一座液态天然气码头,日处理能力为1.6亿立方米。该码头的建成,为葡萄牙进口天然气增加了新途径,以前天然气供应主要依赖经西班牙的管道输送。该液态天然气码头由葡萄牙高浦能源公司(GALP ENERGIA)的子公司,高蒲大西洋公司(Galp Atlantico)经营管理。

  The Galp Energia Group is a Portuguese corporation which consists of more than 100 companies engaged in activities such as: natural gas supply, regasification, transport, storage and distribution; petroleum products exploration, production, refining, trading, logistics and retailing; co-generation and renewable energy. Its stock was partially listed on the Euronext Lisbon stock exchange in the second half of 2006.


  SACOR, CIDLA, SONAP, PETROSUL, and PETROGAL were the main Portuguese companies from where current-day GALP was born.

  SACOR was one of the first Portuguese oil companies. In 1954, SACOR's activities extended to Portugal's overseas territories; 80% of the gasoline, kerosene, and gasoil transported into the Portuguese overseas province of Angola had to be refined on mainland Portugal's territory.

  The Portuguese discovered oil in their overseas province of Angola in the 1950s. Portuguese-run Sociedade de Lubrificantes e Combustiveis (ANGOL) was set up in 1953 in Portuguese Angola. By the 1960s, it was also participating in the exploration for hydrocarbons. In 1957, SACOR participated in the establishment of another oil company, MOÇACOR, in the Portuguese overseas province of Mozambique.

  After the Carnation Revolution military coup in 1974, Portugal handed over power to its overseas provinces. In Portugal, PETROGAL was formed in April 1976 from four Portuguese companies--SACOR, CIDLA, SONAP, and PETROSUL--that were nationalized following the revolution of April 1974. Galp Energia's Initial Public Offer on the Euronext Lisbon took place in 2006.
