


马库斯·白金汉(Marcus Bukingham)——2009年Crainer Dearlove最具影响力的50位商业思想家


  • 1 马库斯·白金汉简介
  • 2 Books


  马库斯·白金汉(Marcus Buckingham)于1987年毕业于剑桥大学,获社会和政治学硕士学位。目前经营自己开设的顾问公司,业务包括企管顾问、教育训练以及在线教学。他曾在盖洛普公司供职17年。其间,他主导了对全球顶尖领导者、经理人和工作单位的研究,后来成为作家、研究员以及演说家,每年对全球超过250万名听众演说。基于这项研究,他出版了两本畅销书《首先,打破一切常规》和《现在,发现你的优势》。


Marcus Buckingham has dedicated his career to helping individuals discover and capitalize on their personal strengths. Hailed as a visionary by corporations such as Toyota, Coca-Cola, Master Foods, Wells Fargo, Microsoft, and Disney, he has helped to usher in the “strengths revolution,” persuasively arguing that people are dramatically more effective, fulfilled and successful when they are able to focus on the best of themselves.

In his nearly two decades as a Senior Researcher at Gallup Organization, Buckingham studied the world’s best managers and organizations to investigate what drives great performance. His research laid the foundation for a string of New York Times best-selling books that use empirical data to challenge preconceptions about achievement. First, Break All the Rules (co-authored with Curt Coffman) kicked things off in 1999, followed by Now, Discover Your Strengths (co-authored with Donald Clifton, 2001), The One Thing You Need to Know (2005), Go Put Your Strengths to Work (2007) and The Truth About You (2008).

Buckingham’s latest book, Find Your Strongest Life: What the World’s Happiest and Most Successful Women Do Differently, was inspired by the overwhelming response to his appearance on “The Oprah Winfrey Show”—100,000 unique contributors posted messages online after the show and 1.7 million people downloaded his three-hour workshop video. The book tackles head-on the numerous studies revealing a drastic decline in female happiness over the last 40 years, and offers strategies for reversing this disturbing trend.

In addition to “The Oprah Winfrey Show,” Marcus Buckingham has been featured on “Larry King Live,” “The Today Show,” “Good Morning America,” and “The View.” He has been profiled in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Fortune, Fast Company, and Harvard Business Review.

Buckingham founded TMBC in 2007 to create strengths-based management training solutions for organizations worldwide, and he spreads the strengths message in keynote addresses to over 250,000 people around the globe each year.

A member of the Secretary of State’s Advisory Committee on Leadership and Management, Marcus Buckingham graduated from Cambridge University with a Master’s Degree in Social and Political Science. He lives in Los Angeles with his wife Jane and children Jackson and Lilia.

