
美集物流(APL Logistics Ltd.)(简称APLL)

美集物流官方网站:http://www.apl.com/ 英文


  • 1 美集物流简介
  • 2 美集物流历史




APLL的母公司NOL海皇轮船有限公司是在新加坡注册的全球运输和物流公司,该集团在亚洲有150多年的经营历史,目前是新加坡股票市场上最大的运输公司。2001年度,NOL集团总收入额为47亿美元,这其中包括APLL当年7.2亿美元的创收。不仅如此,2001年1月,APLL 还以2.1亿美元的金额收购了以做美国本土物流业务见长的美国第二大仓库管理公司GATX,进一步提高了公司的经营能力,扩大了运作范围。


  2002年6月, 联想控股有限公司和东方海皇集团(NOL Group)旗下的物流支柱美集物流(APL Logistics)宣布共同投资成立一家合资企业-志勤美集科技物流,旨在为中国IT市场提供供应链管理服务。


  美集物流(APLL)是国内首批从事国际货运代理和物流业务的全外资企业。为国际知名的零售/汽车等企业提供物流服务,业务覆盖全球172个城市。 2001年被国家经贸委列为34家现代物流联系企业之一。其母公司NOL集团是新加坡全球运输和物流公司,该集团在亚洲有150多年的经营历史,目前是新加坡股票市场上最大的运输公司。


BL Print becomes APL's newest electronic advance. For the first time in the history of the industry, customers can use the Internet to print bills of lading at remote locations such as their bank and freight forwarder. The new service allows shippers to be paid faster for their goods and eliminates burdensome paperwork and recurring costs for delivering paper documents via air express.

At its terminal at the Port of Los Angeles, APL becomes the first shipping company to install a real-time container locating system using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology. The system speeds delivery service for truckers calling to pick up containers for customers.

APL and APL Logistics team with US longhaul trucker Con-way to introduce OceanGuaranteedSM, the shipping industry's first date-definite delivery service for less-than-containerload (LCL) shipments. The new service offers a low-cost alternative to airfreight for time-sensitive LCL cargo.

APL becomes the first shipping company to use 53-foot containers aboard containerships on a regular, weekly basis. The innovation pushes the economic advantages of extra-large containers farther back in the supply chain, allowing shippers to place more cargo into a single box for an ocean voyage.
