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J.B. Hunt Transport Services, Inc. (NASDAQ: JBHT) is a trucking and transportation company that was founded by Johnnie Bryan Hunt. Originally started with only five trucks and seven refrigerated trailers to support the original rice hull business. By 1983, J.B. Hunt had grown into the 80th largest trucking firm in the U.S. and earned $63 million in revenue. At that time J.B. Hunt was operating 550 tractors, 1,049 trailers, and had roughly 1,050 employees. Today this company has grown into one of the largest truckload transportation companies in the United States with annual revenues of over $ 2 billion. The company primarily operates large semi-trailer trucks, and provides transportation services throughout the continental United States, Canada and Mexico. The company currently employs over 16,000 employees and operates in excess of 11,000 trucks. Over 47,000 trailers and containers can be found in the companies fleet.
The companies major competitors in the United States are , YRC Worldwide, Inc., Swift Transportation, Schneider National and Werner Enterprises.
J.B. Hunt Transport was a leader in the industry in technology and operation. In 1989, J.B. Hunt Transport started partnering with railroads to offer intermodal service. Today, 40% of the company’s revenues and 50% of its profits come from intermodal. The company also launched a specialized trucking service division along with a flatbed operation, which were later sold.
J.B.亨特运输服务公司(NASDAQ: JBHT)是由约翰尼·布莱恩·亨特创立的一家货车运输公司。公司最初只有5辆卡车和7俩冷冻车进行稻壳运输工作。1983年,J.B.公司一举成为美国货运公司前80强,并且收入达6千3百万美元。旗下管理着550辆牵引机,1,049辆拖车与大约1,050名员工。现如今,J.B.公司已凭借年收入20亿美元,成为了美国几大货运公司巨头之一。公司主要业务方向为大型双轮拖车,并且公司提供横跨美国、墨西哥和加拿大的运输服务。公司员工数已超过16,000名并有超过11,000辆卡车在营运中。此外,还有超过47,000个拖车和集装箱。