


罗杰·马丁(Roger Martin)——2009年Crainer Dearlove最具影响力的50位商业思想家


  • 1 罗杰·马丁简介
  • 2 Books
  • 3 Book CHAPTERS
  • 4 Papers


  罗杰·马丁,著名管理大师,现任多伦多大学罗特曼管理学院院长,曾于Monitor Company担任顾问达13年之久,客户涵括全球知名企业,同时也是监测大学(Monitor University)的创办理事长。

  马丁也在《哈佛商业评论》《时代周刊》及其他报章杂志上发表文章,并接受《金融时报》《多伦多环球邮报》和《Fast Company》等杂志专访,并被《Fast Company》杂志提名为最有影响力的变革推动者之一。

Roger Martin has served as Dean of the Rotman School of Management since September 1, 1998. He is also a professor of Strategic Management, holds the Premier's Chair in Competitiveness and Productivity and is director of the AIC Institute for Corporate Citizenship at the School. Previously, he spent 13 years as a director of Monitor Company, the global strategy consulting firm based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, where he served as co-head of the firm for two years.

His research interests include Integrative Thinking, Business Design, Corporate Social Responsibility and Country Competitiveness. He writes extensively on design, has written seven Harvard Business Review articles and published four books: The Design of Business:

The Future of the MBA: Designing the Thinker of the Future, with Mihnea Moldoveanu (Oxford University Press, 2008).

In 2007 he was named a BusinessWeek 'B-School All-Star' as one of the 10 most influential business professors in the world. BusinessWeek also named him one of seven 'Innovation Gurus' in 2005, and in 2004, he won the Marshall McLuhan Visionary Leadership Award.

Martin serves on the Boards of Thomson Reuters, Research in Motion, The Skoll Foundation, the Canadian Credit Management Foundation, Social Capital Partners and Tennis Canada. He is also a trustee of The Hospital for Sick Children and chair of the Ontario Task Force on Competitiveness, Productivity and Economic Progress.

A Canadian from Wallenstein, Ontario, he received his AB from Harvard College, with a concentration in Economics, in 1979 and his MBA from Harvard Business School in 1981.




Where are the Exports? The Canadian Health Care Mystery(November 2003)

Confidence Control and Compensation in the Modern Corporation, background paper prepared for The Ditchley Foundation Conference (September 2003)

The Problem with Corporate Governance, prepared for the International Academy of Management (March 2003)

Demand for Innovation, prepared for Industry Canada Innovation Consultation (August 2002)

Why do People and Organizations Produce the Opposite of What They Intend?, with M.A. Archer and L. Brill, prepared for The Walkerton Enquiry (2002)

Canadian Competitiveness: A Decade After the Crossroads (With Michael Porter, May 2001)

Agency Theory and the Design of Efficient Governance Mechanisms with Mihnea Moldoveanu, prepared for the Joint Committee on Corporate Governance (2001)

Board Governance and the Responsibility Virus, prepared for the Joint Committee on Corporate Governance (2000)

Strategic Choice Structuring(1997)
