


罗布·戈菲(Rob Goffee)
罗布·戈菲(Rob Goffee)


  • 1 罗布·戈菲简介
  • 2 Rob Goffee
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  罗布·戈菲(Rob Goffee) 国际著名的组织转型问题权威。自一九九五年起担任伦敦商学院(伦敦商学院)组织行为学教授,曾出版六本书,并且在学术与管理杂志发表过四十余篇论文,最近一篇论文发表在“哈佛商业评论”。加入伦敦商学院之前,高斐担任过数项学术性职位,最近的是在雪梨的澳洲管理研究所(澳大利亚管理研究生院)担任客座教授。高斐经常在报纸与杂志发表文章,并常应邀以来宾身份出席电台与电视节目讨论商业问题。此外,他还为许多大公司提供有关组织变革公司文化以及管理人员开发等方面的顾问咨询。

Rob Goffee

  Rob Goffee is professor of organisational behaviour at London Business School, where he teaches on the world renowned Senior Executive Programme. His research has covered entrepreneurship, business formation and growth, and managerial careers.

  Rob has extensive consulting and management development experience with a number of major international companies. He has led significant executive development initiatives in Europe, North America and Asia. Rob’s consultancy interests are in the areas of organisational change and management development.

  He has held positions in a number of other universities, most recently as Visiting Professor at the Australian Graduate School of Management, University of New South Wales. He was Director of the Accelerated Development Programme from 1989-91 and has been a member of the Governing Body. He is currently Director of the Innovation Exchange of London Business School.

  He has published eight books including: Entrepreneurship in Europe; Women in Charge; Reluctant Managers and Corporate Realities, and The Character of a Corporation, written with Gareth Jones. His latest book is also written with Gareth Jones titled Why Should Anyone Be Led By You? examines how to be an authentic leader.

  An internationally respected teacher and facilitator, Rob was the Faculty Director for Executive Education at London Business School. He has taught executives from some of the world's leading companies, including Unilever, Nestlé, and Sonae. He also consults to the boards of a number of FTSE 100 companies.

