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罗伯特·韦恩·克洛尔(Robert Wayne Clower)——非瓦尔拉斯均衡理论的创始人、货币先行模型的提出者。
罗伯特·韦恩·克洛尔(Robert Wayne Clower,1926— ) 美国华盛顿州普尔曼人。曾获牛津大学博士学位。先后在华盛顿州立大学、美国西北大学、加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校、南卡罗来纳大学任教。1973至1980年任《经济问题》常务编辑,后来任经济学刊物《美国经济评论》主编。
Born in Pullman, Washington, he graduated from Oxford University. His early work at Northwestern University put him in contact with Axel Leijonhufvud, a student at the time (but apparently, Clower was not his mentor). He was later to teach at UCLA (again, with Leijonhufvud) before settling down in South Carolina. Clower's early work on stocks and flows indicated that something was indeed amiss in the orthodox "Neoclassical-Keynesian Synthesis". In 1965, he produced his famous article "The Keynesian Counterrevolution" which underlined the inconsistent manner in which Neoclassical economics and Keynesian theory had been synthesised. He highlighted the absence of a microeconomically-founded Keynesian theory. Among the several resolutions he proposed was a reconstruction of microeconomics to account for the constraints imposed by effective demand - the "Dual Decision Hypothesis". The famous "Clower Constraint" (or "Cash-In-Advance Constraint") was introduced by Clower in 1967 as an expression of the effective demand constraint. The outcome of Clower's theory was a "disequilibrium" approach to a Walras-Keynes synthesis. The work of Axel Leijonhufvud and the early work of Robert Barro employed Clower's approach. The European "Non-Walrasian" school of macroeconomics also formalized and extended several of Clower's propositions.