
维贾伊·戈文达拉扬(Vijay Govindarajan)——2009年Crainer Dearlove最具影响力的50位商业思想家



  • 1 维杰伊·戈文达拉扬简介
  • 2 Awards & Honors
  • 3 Books


  维杰伊·戈文达拉扬(Vijay Govindarajan,在业内被人简称为VG),达特茅斯大学Amos Tuck工商管理学院国际商务教授,同时,他还是该学院威廉姆 F. 阿特梅尔全球领导中心的主要创始人。他是Amos Tuck商业管理学院2020年全球领导项目的主要负责人之一。在《华尔街日报》连续两年的评选中,Tuck商业管理学院分别在商业学院和战略研究方面名列世界第一和第二。


  在Amos Tuck任教之前,他曾在俄亥俄州立大学哈佛商学院和印度管理学院执教。他还曾在法国的INSEAD、日本的日本国际大学、芬兰的赫尔斯基经济学院做访问学者。



  戈文达拉扬教授长期与全球500强企业的CEO及其管理团队合作,与他们共同探讨、更新企业战略问题。他还经常接受参与各种企业重大决策、会议、CEO论坛和领导开发计划。这些公司包括波音英国电信、得州雪佛兰查伯(Chubb)、高露洁惠普IBM国际纸业(International Paper)、摩根大通强生、纽约《时代周刊》普华永道索尼UBS等。他曾在《商业周刊》CEO论坛、经济学家座谈会和国家社会人力资源计划会议上做主要发言。




Awards & Honors

1. "Winner of the 2006 Accenture Award"

By California Management Review for his article Organizational DNA for Strategic Innovation(co-authored with Chris Trimble)

2. Top Ten Most Frequently Cited Research Paper on Global Strategy

Among all articles on global strategy published worldwide in all journals during 1991-2000 (reference to "Knowledge Flows and The Structure of Controls in Multinational Corporations," Academy of Management Review, 1991).

3. Top Ten Most Frequently Cited Research Paper

In the 40-year history of the Academy of Management Journal (AMJ) (reference to "Business Unit Strategy, Managerial Characteristics, and Business Unit Effectiveness at Strategy Implementation," with Anil K. Gupta.)

4. Second Most Frequently Cited Research Paper

Survey of "The Fifty Most-Noted Strategy Works of 1980-1985" by Donald C. Hambrick of Columbia University (reference to "Business Unit Strategy, Managerial Characteristics, and Business Unit Effectiveness at Strategy Implementation," with Anil K. Gupta.)

5. Top 20 Academic Superstar

In North America for research in strategy and organization by Management International Review

6. Gluek Best Research Paper Award

In business policy and strategy from the Academy of Management

7. Academy of Management Hall of Fame

Honorable Mention, Recognition for the number of articles published in the Academy Journals

8. Notable Contribution to Management Accounting Literature Award

The Management Accounting Section, American Accounting Association

9. Robert Bowne Prize

For Best Thesis Proposal, Harvard Business School

10. President's Gold Medal

First rank nationwide in Chartered Accountancy (Equivalent of CPA), The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India

11. 15th Annual Dartmouth Presidential Lecture

Selected by Dartmouth College's President Wright to share expertise on global business strategy


Harvard Business School Press, 2005 (with Chris Trimble).

John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2003 (with Anil K. Gupta).

Financial Times Prentice Hall, 2003 (edited by Marshall Goldsmith, Vijay Govindarajan, Beverly Kaye, and Albert A. Vincere).

Jossey-Bass, 2008 (with Anil K. Gupta).

Richard D. Irwin, 13th Edition, 2006 (with Robert N. Anthony).

The Free Press, 1993 (with John K. Shank). Translated into five foreign languages.
