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John List received his PhD from the University of Wyoming and is currently the Homer J. Livingston Professor of Economics at the University of Chicago after positions at the University of Central Florida, the University of Arizona and the University of Maryland. John has been at the forefront of environmental economics and has served as senior economist on the President's Council of Economic Advisors for Environmental and Resource Economics. John is also a Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research, a Research Fellow at the Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), and a University Fellow at Tilburg University in the Netherlands. However, John is best known as one of the world's leading experts on experimental economics.
John has pioneered work using field experiments in which he developed scientific methods for testing economic theory directly in the marketplace. He received the Kenneth Galbraith Award in 2010 and 2008 Arrow Prize for Senior Economists for his research on Behavioral Economics in the field. To obtain data for his field experiments, he has made use of several different markets including countless charitable fundraising activities, the Chicago Board of Trade, Costa Rican CEOs, the new automobile market, sports memorabilia markets, coin markets, auto repair markets, open air markets located throughout the globe, various venues on the internet, several auction settings, shopping malls, various labor markets, and grammar and high schools. His work has provided insight on such issues as pricing behavior, market structure, the valuation of non-marketed goods and services, the impact of environmental regulation, the economics of charitable giving and the impact of incentives on education and weight loss.
Recently, John has been involved in creating an experimental laboratory that will bear fruit in the education literature for years to come. John, along with Chicago economist Steven Levitt and Harvard economist Roland Fryer, and funded generously by Chicago philanthropists Kenneth and Anne Griffin, is establishing the Griffin Early Childhood Center. This program will focus on understanding how best to educate the nation's youth. Additionally, John continues to be active in the field of environmental economics with recent field experiments on environmental technology adoption.
My passion is using field experiments to explore economic questions. I view field experiments as representing a unique manner in which to obtain data because they force the researcher to understand everyday phenomena, many of which we stumble upon frequently. Merely grasping the interrelationships of factors in field settings is not enough, however, as the field experimenter must then seek to understand more distant phenomena that have the same underlying structure. Until this is achieved, one cannot reap the true rewards of field experimentation. For a fuller exposition of my views on field experimentation, take a look at a recent interview with Aaron Steelman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond.
To obtain data for my field experiments, I have made use of several different markets, including countless charitable fundraising activities, the Chicago Board of Trade, Costa Rican CEOs, the new automobile market, sports memorabilia markets, coin markets, auto repair markets, open air markets located throughout the globe, various venues on the internet, several auction settings, shopping malls, various labor markets, and grammar and high schools.
More recently, I have been engaged in a series of field experiments with various publicly traded corporations—from car manufacturers to travel companies. I view this as exciting because I can put economic theories and approaches on the line in the markets economists concern themselves. Not only have results proven to be informative and valuable, but also above expectations, as successful field experiments yielding quite interesting data patterns have been generated. Overall, the data that I have collected has provided insights into many subsets of microeconomics including pricing behavior, discrimination in the marketplace, the valuation of non-marketed goods and services, public good provisioning, behavioral anomalies, charitable giving, auction theory, and the role of the market in the development of rationality.
利斯特(John A List):美国芝加哥大学经济系Homer J Livingston经济学教授和经济系主任。入选诺贝尔经济学家理由:在实验经济学领域做出重要贡献。