
Gary C.Halbert(1938.06—2007.04)
盖瑞·亥尔波特(Gary C.Halbert)——直复式营销之神,文案撰稿大师


  • 1 盖瑞·亥尔波特简介
  • 2 The gary halbert letter
  • 3 盖瑞·亥尔波特失传的5个营销秘诀
  • 4 亥尔波特的主要著作
  • 5 相关条目


  盖瑞·亥尔波特(Gary C.Halbert)是美国直复式营销的奠基人,文案撰稿大师。盖瑞·亥尔波特的邮件式销售,同时也开创了中小企业和个人企业的营销之路。从此以后,中小企业即使没有品牌,没有资金,没有雄厚的运营实力,也依然可以凭借着自己撰写的销售信,成功完成产品销售。盖瑞·亥尔波特曾经写过一封“世界上最赚钱的营销信”,这封信仅仅350个字,却让他赚了收回了1.78亿美金,Gary Halbert从中赚了589万美金。后来他把这封信的所有权卖给了Ancestry Search公司,作价7千万美金。

The gary halbert letter

The Most Valuable Website On the Entire Internet!


Gary C. Halbert

North of Jewfish Creek

Thursday, 8:37 a.m.

Dear Friend,

I have no idea how you got to this website.

Maybe you read about it in some publication. Maybe a friend referred you to it. Perhaps you stumbled onto it by pure dumb luck.

But, however you got here, you have arrived at what is, without question, the most valuable website on the entire Internet!

Here's why: Back in September of 1986, I began publishing a newsletter cleverly called The Gary Halbert Letter. The subscription price was $195.00 per year and, with very little promotion, I soon had readers in more than 50 countries. Then, I started offering a Lifetime Subscription for $2,855.00.

And, guess what? It wasn't long until nearly all my subscribers were Lifetime Subscribers!

Since I began writing this newsletter, I have received thousands upon thousands of letters from people telling me how my newsletters have helped them make millions (sometimes tens of millions) of dollars, saved their health (and, in some cases, literally saved their lives), kept their marriages intact... and... in various other ways... improved their lives immensely.

So, I got to thinking, "Well, hell... if what I write helps people this much, it should be available to everyone... even if... they can't afford to subscribe to my newsletter." Therefore, I've put all my newsletters (with some very sparse editing) right here on this website... for... everyone in the world... to read...

Absolutely Free!

Just click below where it says "Newsletter Menu"... then... you'll be taken to a page where you'll see a forest of envelope icons with "Headlines" on them.

Each envelope contains one issue of my newsletter. And, as you'll soon see, the subject of each individual newsletter is identified on the front of the envelope. If it looks like any particular newsletter would be of interest to you, just click on the envelope it's in... and... shazam!... the entire text of that issue will appear instantly (no downloading required) on your computer screen. You can read it on your screen, print it out and read it, schmuck it onto a floppy disk or CD... or... whatever your little heart desires.

It's 100% free. There's nothing you have to buy... and... on this website...

You Will NEVER See A Scum-Sucking Pop-Up Ad Or A Scum-Sucking Banner Ad!

Please excuse my "French"... but... I hate those damn things.

Whatever. Anyway, I write a new issue of my newsletter approximately every 30-days... and... if you want to know immediately when a new issue is posted, just click below and send me your e-mail address. Then, I'll send you a one-line e-mail message each month telling you the brand new issue is now on the website.

It is NOT necessary for you to send me your e-mail address... but... if you do, I will never let anyone else have it... nor... will I myself use it for any reason except to let you know my newest issue has been posted on this site. You see, I hate SPAM or any other form of unsolicited e-mail almost as much as I hate banner and pop-up ads!

In any case, I hope you find as much value in these newsletters as thousands of others have.


                       Gary C. Halbert

                      "The Prince Of Print"


  Gary在不久前辞世了。在Gary的学生整理他生前的资料时,发现了记录在日记本上的"失传的5个营销秘密"。这5 个营销秘密从来没有发布过,是Gary进行营销信写作营销方案策划的指导思想。




















  没有什么放之四海而皆赚钱的策略和方法,不同产品的销售,也要求不同营销策略的相互组合。你必须在大规模投入之前,测试你的想法,是否真的可行。"逻辑不可信、消费心理分析不可信,成功的经验不可信,权威的理论不可行。 "因此,你必须在启动一个营销策略之前,花一点时间精力甚至金钱,测试一下你的整体方案,看看客户的反馈是否热烈。测试将帮助你将风险降到最低。而一旦发现测试结果良好,那就尽情放大吧


