


琳达·格拉顿(lynda gratton)
琳达·格拉顿(lynda gratton)——世界顶级管理思想大师



  • 1 琳达·格拉顿简介
  • 2 Lynda Gratton
  • 3 Expertise
  • 4 Publications
  • 5 Research interest
  • 6 Other activities
  • 7 Formerly
  • 8 相关条目


  琳达·格拉顿(lynda gratton)伦敦商学院研究组织行为学的副教授,也是研究人力资源战略意义的全球性权威。她在伦敦商学院主持了举世闻名的行政管理项目“改革中企业的人力资源战略”,并且是美国人力资源策划协会(american human resource planning society)的董事会成员。在1992—2000年期间,她与惠普公司卡夫食品公司花旗银行合作,主持了“前沿研究联合会”。关于这些公司的反思形成了《战略性人力资源管理:公司感染力与人力现实》(strategi human resource management corporate rhetoric and human reality)一书的框架,该书于1999年由牛津大学出版社出版。

  她关于人力资源战略的思想对全世界的经理们产生了深刻的影响。她的另一本著作,2000年由financial times prentice hall出版公司出版的《生存的战略:将人作为公司目标的核心》(living strategy putting people at the heart of corporate purpose)一书,已成为惠普公司的专家们所借鉴的经典之作,并作为部门经理们工具箱里的重要部分。  在过去10年中,琳达·格拉顿博士为企业组织怎样才能做到激励人心与富有意义创建了清晰明了的议程,即怎样才能成为“民主化公司”。


Lynda Gratton

  Lynda Gratton is Professor of Management Practice at London Business School. She is considered one of the world's authorities on people in organizations and actively advises companies across the world. Professor Gratton's book Living Strategy, originally published in 2000, has been translated into more than 15 languages and rated by US CEOs as one of the most important books of the year. Her more recent book, The Democratic Enterprise, was described by Financial Times as a work of important scholarship. Her article "Integrating the Enterprise," which examined cooperative strategies, was awarded the MIT Sloan Management Review best article of the year in 2002. Her case study of BP's peer assist integration practices won the 2005 ECC best strategy case of the year award. Her latest book, published in 2007 is Hot Spots - why some teams, workplaces and organizations buzz with energy and others don't. In 2005 Lynda was appointed the Director of the Lehman Centre Women in Business.

  A more recent book, "The Democratic Enterprise", was described by the Financial Times as a work of important scholarship. Her article Integrating the Enterprise, which examines cooperative strategies, was awarded the MIT Sloan Management Review best article of the year in 2002 and her case study of BP’s peer assist integration practices won the 2005 ECC best strategy case of the year award.

  In 2008 and 2009, she was listed as one of the top 20 thinkers in the The Times’ “The Thinkers 50” - a global rankings of the most important and influential business thinkers. In 2007 Lynda published “Hot Spots”; why some places and teams buzz w th energy and innovation and others don’t , and in 2009 Lynda published “Glow: how you radiate energy, innovation and success”.


Issues of human resources, social capital and innovation. In 'Hot Spots' - published in early 2007 - she examines how innovative energy is created and maintained. Consultant to a number of major multi-national companies on their human resource strategy.


  Bridging Faultlines in Diverse Teams, Sloan Management Review (2007); Eight ways to build collaborative teams, Harvard Business Review (2007); Hot Spots (Berritt-Koehler, 2007); The Exceptional Manager (with R Delbridge and G Johnson) Oxford University Press (2006); Beyond Best Practice, Sloan Management Review (2006); The Democratic Enterprise (FT, Prentice Hall, 2003); Integrating the Enterprise, Sloan Management Review (2003); Living Strategy: Putting People at the Heart of Corporate Purpose (FT, Prentice Hall, 2000); Human Resource Strategy; Organizational Rhetoric and Individual Reality (with V Hope-Hailey, P Stiles and C Truss, Oxford University Press, 1999).

Research interest

  Person-job interaction, corporate culture, human resource management strategy, organisational change, strategic management, organisational learning, innovation.

Other activities

  Board Member, American Human Resource Planning Society, Advisory Board member, Concours Group and Exult: Academic Board member, America Organizational Development Network.


  Chief Psychologist, British Airways; Director, Human Resources Division, PA Consulting Group

