

  • 1 江恩六边形概述
  • 2 江恩论述六边形的手稿(英汉)




  图: 江恩六边形

  第一个循环: 1~6 ,数字增加6;








Since everything moves in a circle and nothing moves in straight lines, this chart is to show you how the angles influence stocks at very low levels and very high levels and why stocks move faster the higher they get, because they have moved out to where the distance between the angles of 45 are so far apart that there is nothing to stop them and their moves are naturally rapid up and down. We begin with a circle of “1” , yet the circle is 360* just the same . We then place a circle of circles around this circle and six circles complete the second circle , making a gain of 6 over the first one , ending the second circle at 7, making 7 on this angle ,a very important month, year , and week as well as days , the seventh day being sacred and a day of rest .

  因为任何事物都是循环运动,没有什么东西是直线运动的,所以这个图是想展示给你角度是怎么在比较高和比较低的价格水平时影响股票价格变化的,以及为什么当股票达到比较高的价格时会出现比较快速的运动。原因是他们已经移动到距离45度角足够远的分离位置,没有什么能使他们停下来,她们的运动自然而然的就是飞速的上或者下。 在六边形里最开始的位置是 1 ,也正好是360度的循环位置。然后我们放置一个循环中的循环在这循环中,6个循环后结束第二个循环,距离初始位置增加了6。第二循环的结束位置是7,7 在这里可以代表重要的月.年.周.日 ,而7日就正好是上帝安排的安息日。

The third circle is completed at 19 . The fourth circle around is completed at 37 – a gain of 18 over the previous circle . The fifth circle is completed at 61 , a gain of 24 over the previous circle . The sixth circle is completed at 91 , a gain of 30 over the previous circle ,and the seventh circle at 127 , a gain of 36 over the last circle . Note that from the first the gain is 6 each time we go around . In other words, when we have traveled six times around we have gained 36 . Note that this completes the first Hexagon and as this equals 127 months , shows why some campaigns will run 10 years and seven months , or until they reach a square of the Hexagon ,or the important last angle of 45* . The eighth circle around is completed at 169 , a gain of 42 over the first .This is a very important angle and an important time factor for more reasons than one . It is 14 years and one month , or double our cycle of 7 years . Important tops and bottoms culminate at this angle as you will see by going over your charts .

  第三个循环结束在 19, 第四个循环结束在37 ,比上一个循环增加了18 ,第5个循环结束于61,距离上一个循环增加了24 ,第6个循环结束在91,距离上一个循环是30 ,第7个循环结束于127,距离上一个循环是36。注意到了吧,从第一个循环开始,每次循环之间我们增加6。也就是说,当这种循环进行6次后,我们可以得到“36” 。如上所讲的那样,这样就结束了第一个六边形的循环,这可以等价于127个月 ,这就解释了为什么一段大行情会运行10年零7个月,或者直到价格达到了6边形的方形,或者重要的最近的45度角才结束。 第八个循环结束在169,距离先前的循环得到42 。这是一个非常重要的角度,也是一个非常重要的时间循环成因,他等价于14年零一个月,或者两个7年的循环,重要的顶低的极端点都落在这个角度上,你全都可以在这个六边形图上找到。(我的注释:169为13的平方 )

The ninth circle is completed at 217 , a gain of 48 over the previous circle . The tenth circle is completed at 271 , a gain of 54 . Note that 271 is the ninth circle from the first , or is the third 90* angle or 270* , three fourths of a circle , a strong point .. All ,this is confirmed by the Master Twelve Chart , by the four seasons and by the Square of Nine Chart , and also confirmed by the Hexagon chart ., showing that mathematical proof is always exact no matter how many ways or from what directions you figure it . The eleventh circle is completed at 331 , a gain of 60 over the last circle . The twelfth circle is completed at 397 , which completes the Hexagon ., making a gain in 11 circles of 66 from the beginning .

  第9个循环结束在217,距离先前的循环得到48的距离,第 10个循环结束在271,获得距离54 ,如上所说,271是从1开始的第9个循环,是第三个90度,或者270度角,一个圆的四分之三,一个非常强大的点!所有的这些都被主12图,被四季的季节循环和9方图证实了,这一点也被六边形图证实了,无论你用多少途径或者从什么方向去演算,这些数字所展示的数学证据总是那么精确。(注释:这些数字无庸质疑的证明了,任何条件下,数学都可以作为指引我们操作方向的一种强大工具之一 )第11个循环结束于331,距离前一个是60的距离,第12个循环结束于397,结束了全部的六边形,获得从1开始的11个循环,和66的距离。

66 months , or 5 years and six months , marks the culmination of major campaigns in stocks . Note how often they culminate on the 60th month , then have a reaction , and make a second top or bottom in the 66th month . Note the number 66 on the Master Twelve Chart . Note it on the Square of Nine and note that 66 occurs on an angle of 180* on the Hexagon chart , all of which confirms the strong angle at this point . We have an angle of 66* , one of 67.5* and one at 68 , confirming this point to be doubly strong for tops and bottoms or space movements up or down .


Note the number 360* on the Hexagon Chart . It completes a circle of 360* . From our beginning point this occurs at an angle of 180 * on the Hexagon Chart going around , but measuring from the center , it would equal an angle of 90* or 180* , making this a strong point , hard and difficult to pass, and the ending of one campaign and the beginning of another .

  注意在六边形上360度的数字,它代表一个360度的循环终结的位置 。从开始点出发这个点出现在图形周围180度的位置上,但从中心点测量,它可以等于一个90度或者180度角,使其成为强大的位置点,非常难以通过,这通常是一个行情的结束或者一个行情的起点。

Again with the center of the Hexagon Chart at “1” notice that 7,19,37,61,91,127,169,217,271,331, and 397 are all on this direct angle and are important points in time measurement . Beginning with “1” and following the other angle , note that 2,9,22,41,66,97,134,177,226,281, and 342 are all on a same angle of 90*, or an angle of 60* and 240* as measured by the Hexagon Chart . Go over this Chart and the important angles each way and you will see why the resistance is met either on days, weeks, months or years, and why stocks stop and make tops and bottoms at these strong important points according to time.

  再次通过中心点就是六边型图的1这个位置,注意7,19,37,61,91,127,169,217,271,331,和397都在这个方向的角度上,这些点是测量时间循环的重要位置!!从1开始,跟随着其他的角度,标定2,9,22,41,66,97,134,177,226,281,和342,都是同样规则的落在90度角上,或者60度和240角上 。仔细检查这些图和这些图上的每一个重要角度,你会发现为什么在日,周,月和年上出现价格抵抗,为什么股票会依照时间在这些强大和重要的点上停下来并出现顶底

When any stock has passed out above 120* or especially above 127* or 127 points and gone out of the square of the first Hexagon , its fluctuations will be more rapid and it will move faster up and down . Notice near the center that in traveling from 66 to 7 you strike the angle of 180* or 90* , but when the stock gets out to 162,it can travel up to 169 before striking another strong angle . That is why fast moves occur up and down as stocks get higher and as they move from a center of time.

  当一些股票的价格通过并超越了 120度,特别是超越了127度和127点并且跳出了第一个六边形中的方形,它的波动将变的更快速疯狂,更加快速的涨跌!!注意在中心附近从66滑到7,你将撞击180度或90度,但是当股票跳过162去,在撞上另外一个强的角度之前他们可以达到169 ,这就是股票从时间的中心开始运动并为什么在比较高的价格上发生快速上下运动的原因。(注释:这段可能翻译不够准确,但大致意思基本可以肯定)

Remember that everything seeks the center of gravity and important tops and bottoms are formed according to centers and measurements of time from a center , base or beginning point , either top or bottom .The angles formed going straight up and across ,may form just the same going across as the stock travels over for days, weeks, months or years .Thus , a stock going up to 22.5 would strike an angle of 22.5 * .and the higher it is when those angles are struck and the angle it hits going up , the greater the resistance to be met . Reverse that rule going down.


Market movements are made just the same as any other thing which is constructed . It is just the same as constructing a building .First the foundation has to be laid down and then the four walls have to be completed and last , but not least of all , the top has to be put on . The cube or hexagon proves exactly the law which works because of time and space in the market . When a building is put up it is built according to a square or hexagon. It has four walls or four sides,a bottom and a top ; therefore , it is a cube .


In working out the 20- year Cycle in the stock market , the first 60* or 5 years , from the beginning forms the bottom of the cube . The second 60* , running to 120* , completes the first angle or the first side and runs out the 10 year Cycle . The third 60 * or the second side , ends 15 years or 180 *. It is very important because we have the building half completed and must meet the strongest resistance at this point . The fourth 60 * , or at the end of 20 yrs or 240 months , completes the third side . We are now two thirds around the building , a very strong point which culminates and completes our 20 – year Cycle .The fifth 60 * , or 300 * point , days,weeks,or months completes 25 years , a repetition of the first five years , but it completes the fourth side of our building and is a very important angle . The sixth 60 * , or 360 * , completing the circle and ending 30 years as measured by our Time Factor , which runs 1* per month on an angle of 45 * , completes the top .This is a complete cube and we begin over again . Study this in connection with the Hexagon Chart . It will help you .

Jan 1931 WD Gann.

  假设一个超过20年的市场循环 ,第一个60度或者说5年时间,是立方体的基础构筑部分 。第二个60度运行到120度,将结束第一个角度循环,或者第一个循环超过了而形成10年的循环,第三个60度,是第二个循环结束的位置,它将结束于15年或者180度角的位置,这是一个非常关键的位置。好象我们房子盖到了一半,而碰到资金困难,而这种困难阻止你继续下去。第四个60度,或者是说240个月,或者说是20年循环的结束位置。它是第三个循环的结束位置,这就好象我们已经完成建筑工程的2/3一样,这将是一个几乎无法超越的位置,足以结束20年的循环而形成顶点第5 个60度 ,或者是说300度角,300点,300日,或者300月,完成了25年。重复第一个5年循环!这个5年将彻底结束我们所建筑的四面墙,是一个重要的角度。第6个60度,或者说360度,是时间因素规则中30年循环的终点。在一个45度角的位置上每个月运行1度的时候,市场完成顶部,这时一个立方体完成了,而一个新的又重复开始了。把我上述的观点和六边形图结合起来学习,将对你的理解非常有帮助。


