


武田药品有限公司(Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited)

  武田药品工业网站网址http://www.takeda.co.jp/ 日文 全球网站http://www.takeda.com/worldwide/ 英文


  • 1 武田药品简介
  • 2 武田药品主要产品
  • 3 武田药品在中国
  • 4 Takeda Pharmaceutical
  • 5 History
  • 6 Products


  武田药品有限公司(Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited,TYO:4502)成立于1925年1月29日,总部位于大阪,注册资本为635亿日元。根据2012年IMS的销售额数据,武田药品是日本最大的制药公司,是全球制药和消费者保健行业居于领先地位的跨国集团。公司秉承“为世界人民的健康和健康的生活做贡献”的经营理念,致力于药品研究开发公司在日本、美国和欧洲先后建立研发中心,营销网络遍及欧洲、美洲、亚洲的主要国家,药品销售到全球90多个国家地区。








Takeda Pharmaceutical

  Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited (TYO: 4502) is the largest pharmaceutical company in Japan and Asia and a top 15 pharmaceutical company, employing over 19,000 employees and achieving $15.7 billion USD in revenue during the 2008 fiscal year. The company is focused on metabolic disorders, gastroenterology, central nervous system disorders, inflammation, as well as oncology through its independent subsidiary


  Takeda Pharmaceuticals was first founded on June 12, 1781 and was incorporated on January 29, 1925.

  In 1977, Takeda first entered the U.S. pharmaceutical market by developing a joint venture with Abbott Laboratories called TAP Pharmaceuticals. Through TAP Pharmaceuticals, Takeda and Abbott launch blockbusters Lupron (leuprolide) in 1985 and Prevacid (lansoprazole) in 1995.

  One of the firm's mainstay drugs is Actos, a compound in the thiazolidinedione class of drugs used in the treatment of Type 2 Diabetes. Launched in 1999 by Takeda's newly formed American subsidiary at the time distinct from TAP, Takeda Pharmaceuticals North America, and formerly co-marketed with Eli Lilly, Actos has become the best-selling diabetes drug in the world with $4 billion USD in sales during the 2008 fiscal year.

  In February 2005, Takeda announced its acquisition of San Diego, CA-based Syrrx, a company specializing in high-throughput X-ray crystallography, for $270 million.

  In February 2008, Takeda acquired the Japanese operations of Amgen and rights to a dozen of the California biotechnology company's pipeline candidates for the Japanese market.

  In March 2008, Takeda and Abbott Laboratories announced plans to conclude their highly successful 30-year old joint venture TAP Pharmaceuticals that had over $3 billion in sales in its final year. The split resulted in Abbott acquiring U.S. rights to Lupron and the drug's support staff. On the other hand, Takeda received rights to Prevacid and TAP's pipeline candidates. The move also increased Takeda's headcount by 3,000 employees.

  In April 2008, Takeda announced that it was acquiring Millennium Pharmaceuticals of Cambridge, Massachusetts, a company specializing in cancer drug research, for $8.8 billion. The acquisition brought in Velcade, a drug indicated for hematological malignancies, as well as a portfolio of pipeline candidates in the oncology, inflammation, and cardiovascular therapeutic areas.

  In May 2008, the company licensed non-exclusively the RNAi technology platform developed by Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, creating a potentially long-term partnership between the companies.


  Some of the key products that Takeda produces or markets on behalf of partners include:
