1."The Informational Role of Upstairs and Downstairs Trading." Journal of Business 65 (October 1992). 交易中信息的作用,商业期刊,1992年10月(With J.E. Stiglitz)
2."On the Impossibility of Informationally Efficient Markets." American Economic Review 70.3 (June 1980). 论不存在完全信息市场,美国经济评论,1980年6月
(With Oliver D.Hart)
3."The Cost and benefits of Ownership: a Theory of Vertical and Lateral Integration" Journal of Political Economy 1986, vol.94, no.4. 所有权的成本和收益:纵向一体化和横向一体化的理论,政治经济学杂志,1986年第94卷第4期