


昭和电工株式会社(Showa Denko K.K.)




官方网站网址:http://www.sdk.co.jp/ 日语 http://www.sdk.co.jp/html/english/index.html 英语


  • 1 昭和电工简介
  • 2 昭和电工事件
  • 3 昭和电工企业愿景
  • 4 昭和电工的大事记
  • 5 昭和电工的历史


  昭和电工株式会社(Showa Denko K.K.,TYO: 4004)是著名的综合性集团企业生产的产品涉及到石油、化学、无机、铝金属、电子信息等多种领域。自1939年公司成立至今,集团在全球拥有139家关联公司,11200余名雇员,在全球开展富有个性化的事业。



  昭和电工事件,发生于1948年的日本战后四大丑闻事件之一(另三个为造船丑闻事件、洛克希德事件、里库路特事件),起源于昭和电工公司为了获得30 亿日元政府贷款,向首相、议员、官僚行贿7000万日元的事件,导致以芦田均为首相的社会党、民主党、国民协同党三党联合内阁倒台,芦田均被迫辞职并旋即被捕。吉田茂借此机会上台执政,并成功长期维持了政权。麦克阿瑟同时认为,以社会党、民主党等为主的中道政治在日本已不可行。


  Showa Denko Group will provide products and services that are useful and safe and exceed our customers' expectations, thereby enhancing the value of the Group, giving satisfaction to our shareholders, and contributing to the sound growth of international society as a responsible corporate citizen.



  Dec.1908:Sobo Marine Products K.K. was established by Showa Denko (SDK) founder, Nobuteru Mori, to manufacture and sell iodine in Chiba Prefecture. Sobo Marine Products subsequently developed into Nihon Iodine K.K.

  Oct.1926:Nihon Iodine K.K. was establilshed.

  Apr.1928:Showa Fertilizers K.K. was established.

  Mar.1934:Nihon Iodine K.K. was renamed as Nihon Electrical Industries K.K.

  Jun.1939:Nihon Electrical Industries and Showa Fertilizers merged to form Showa Denko K.K.

  May.1949:SDK was listed on Tokyo Stock Exchange.

  Sept.1951:SDK was awarded the first Deming Prize.

  Apr.1969:Oita Petrochemical Complex started commercial operation.

  Mar.1977:Second expansion project of ethylene production capacity was completed at SDK Oita Petrochemical Complex.

  Feb.1986:SDK withdrew from its domestic aluminum smelting business.

  Nov.1989:Hard Disk Plant No. 1 was completed at Chiba.

  Jan.1995:Omachi Works obtained ISO 9001 certification.

  May.1997:Production Technology Center obtained ISO 14001 certification.

  Mar.2001:SDK merged with Showa Aluminum Corporation.

  Sept.2003:Japan Polyolefins Co., Ltd. and Japan Polychem Corporation integrated the polyethylene businesses and established a new joint venture company.

  Jul.2004:Trace Strage Technology Corp., become a consolidated subsidiary.

  Nov.2004:SDK announced to produce high-power blue LED chips.

  Mar.2005 :SDK sold shares in SDS Biotech K.K. via MBO scheme.

  Jul.2005 :SDK started production of world's first perpendicular magnetic recording technology HD media.

  Jan.2006 :SDK satarted its new medium-term consolidated business plan "PASSION Project" for the 2006-2008 period.

  Sept.2006 :SDK satarted up new aluminum cylinders plant in Oita.

  Dec.2006 :SDK opened its new hard disk media plant in Singapore.

  Feb.2007 :SDK develops new crystal growth technology for GaN-based blue/white LEDs.

  Sept.2007 :SDK opened its second neodymium-based alloys plant in China.

  Jun.2008 :Showa Tansan Co., Ltd. become a consolidated subsidiary.
