


拉特飞‧扎德(Lotfi A. Zadeh)
拉特飞‧扎德(Lotfi A. Zadeh)——模糊理论之父


  • 1 扎德简介
  • 2 拉特飞‧扎德的贡献
  • 3 Lotfi A. Zadeh


  拉特飞‧扎德(Lotfi A. Zadeh,1921~ )美国自动控制专家,美国工程科学院院士。1921年2月生于苏联巴库。 1949年获哥伦比亚大学电机工程博士。现任伯克利加利福尼亚大学电机工程与计算机科学系教授。因发展模糊集理论的先驱性工作而获电气与电子工程师学会(IEEE)的教育勋章。



Lotfi A. Zadeh

  Lotfi A. Zadeh (b. 4 February 1921 in Baku, Azerbaijan) was educated in Iran and USA, having degrees from Tehran University, MIT, and Columbia University. Since 1959, Dr. Zadeh has been and currently is a member of the faculty of the Computer Science Division, Department of EECS, University of California at Berkeley. In addition, he is serving as the Director of BISC (Berkeley Initiative in Soft Computing). He held visiting appointments at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ; MIT, Cambridge, MA; IBM Research Laboratory, San Jose, CA; AI Center, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA; and the Center for the Study of Language and Information, Stanford University.

  Lotfi Zadeh has received numerous awards, including the IEEE Medal of Honor, the IEEE Education Medal, the IEEE Richard W. Hamming Medal, the ACM Allen Newell Award, the Norbert Wiener Award of the IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society, the Honda Prize, the Okawa Prize, the Grigore Moisil Prize, the V. Kaufmann Prize, the B. Bolzano Medal of the Czech Academy of Sciences, the Nicolaus Copernicus Medal of the Polish Academy of Sciences, the Silicon Valley Engineering Hall of Fame and the Heinz Nixdorf MuseumsForum Wall of Fame. He is a recipient of twenty-six honorary doctorates, and is a member of the National Academy of Engineering. In addition, he is a foreign member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, the Finnish Academy of Sciences, the Polish Academy of Sciences, the Korean Academy of Science & Technology and the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.

  Dr. Zadeh created a new field of mathematics - fuzzy set theory and fuzzy logic, which have found numerous applications ranging from consumer electronics to medicine and natural languages. His current research is focused on fuzzy logic, computing with words, and soft computing.
