


尼尔·雷克汉姆(Neil Rackham)

尼尔·雷克汉姆(Neil Rackham):SPIN销售模式的始创人,全球著名的销售大师,研究提高销售效率和成功率的先驱者


  • 1 尼尔·雷克汉姆简介
  • 2 尼尔·雷克汉姆的理论贡献
  • 3 尼尔·雷克汉姆的主要著作


  尼尔·雷克汉姆是全球权威的销售咨询,培训和研究机构——Huthvaite公司的创始人兼首任总裁,该公司为全球200多家大公司提供研究、咨询和研讨会服务,客户包括Xerox, IBM, AT&T, KodakCiticorp。他的学术背景是心理学,在英国谢菲尔德大学开始研究销售,并最终形成SPIN方法。他发表和出版了50多篇文章和几部论著,被译成11语言传播。现为英国普茨茅斯大学访问教授,国行销策略协会董事长



Neil Rackham is known throughout the world as a speaker, writer, and seminal thinker on sales and marketing issues. Three of his books have been on the New York Times best seller list, and his works have been translated into over 50 languages. He has been Chairman and CEO of three international research and consulting firms.

In the 1970’s Neil first gained international recognition for his studies of sales effectiveness, when he led the largest ever research study of successful selling. This massive project, supported by major multinationals including Xerox and IBM, involved a team of 30 researchers who studied 35,000 sales calls in over 20 countries. The research took 12 years at a cost of $30 million, in today’s dollars. From the results of these studies he published the groundbreaking classic SPIN® Selling (McGraw-Hill, 1988) and Major Account Sales Strategy (McGraw-Hill, 1989). His books regularly rank among business best sellers, and SPIN® Selling is McGraw Hill’s best selling business book ever. He is author of over 50 influential articles on marketing, selling and channel strategy.

Neil’s other books include Managing Major Sales and Getting Partnering Right: How Market Leaders Are Creating Long-Term Competitive Advantage. His recent book Rethinking The Sales Force has received wide acclaim from critics, academics, and salespeople. It is required reading at many leading business schools.

He has worked closely with many leading sales forces such as IBM, Xerox, AT&T, and Citicorp. He has also been an advisor on sales performance to several of the largest Fortune 100 companies in the United States.

Neil has worked extensively with senior partners in some of the world’s most successful professional services organizations including McKinsey & Company, where he was for many years a member of the Sales and Channel Management Group. He currently serves as Executive Advisor for Go To Market Partners, a market strategy and sales effectiveness research and consulting firm.

Neil Rackham is also widely recognized as a highly original and creative trainer and communicator. His work in sales training won him the Instructional Systems Association award for Innovation in Training and Instruction, and more than half the Fortune 500 train their salespeople using sales models derived from his research.

He is a sought after conference speaker who receives top reviews from participants for his capacity to take complex issues and make them accessible and interesting. He uses a combination of humor, passion, and group interaction to stimulate and challenge his audiences.

Neil has a farm and winery in Northern Virginia and, when not working on improving sales performance, he writes poetry and science fiction, plays medieval musical instruments, and walks the Appalachian Trail.


  尼尔·雷克汉姆于1980年代在Huthwaite 公司带领一队研究小组分析了35,000多个销售实例,历时12年,耗资过百万美元,横跨23个国家及地区并覆盖27个行业,最后提供给我们的是销售成功方面毋庸置疑的事实。

  关于如何销售有许多观点,但它们真正的缺陷是不以仔细研究过的客观事实为基础,甚至只是根据某人(通常是培训人或销售主管)的个人经验为依归。如果硬生生地乱套于别人身上,那难免有以点带面的错误发生。所周知,由于每人的客观条件不一样,因此,经验只能用作参考与分享并不能模仿。Neil Rackham深明此理,因此在他的研究公布前,还花了7年时间不断测SPIN销售方法的使用价值。因为他需要证据去引证它的可使用性和可模仿性,当然还有成功率的变化。




  尼尔·雷克汉姆的经典著作《SPIN销售》 是第一本以全新视角研究大型销售的书籍,书中倡导的SPIN销售模式风靡全球,成为推销高价产品和大规模销售的最佳利器。该书自1988年出版以来,不断再版,并获得了麦格罗·希尔公司最佳商业畅销书的殊荣。

