


嘉能可国际(Glencore International Plc)



  • 1 嘉能可国际的简介
  • 2 嘉能可国际的历史
  • 3 嘉能可国际相关财务数据


  嘉能可国际(LSE:GLEN)是一家瑞士公司,成立于1974年,总部设于瑞士巴尔,是全球最大的商品交易商主营业务: 综合商品生产商及营销商,在全球范围内广泛从事金属及矿产、能源产品及农产品营销生产、精炼、加工、存储及运输活动


  Our customers around the world are active in a wide range of industries, such as automotive, oil, power generation, steel production and food processing. They rely upon our established global network for the supply of metals and minerals, energy products and agricultural products.

  These commodities either originate from Glencore's own production assets or are sourced from third parties.

  Glencore also provides financing, logistics and other supply chain services to producers and consumers of commodities.

  Over 2,700 people work in Glencore’s marketing operations, while Glencore’s industrial operations directly or indirectly employ over 54,800 people in 30 countries


  Glencore was founded in 1974 as Marc Rich + Co AG, and initially focused on the physical marketing of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, minerals and crude oil, before expanding into oil products shortly thereafter. In the early 1980s, Glencore acquired an established Dutch grain trading company, which created the basis for its Agricultural Products business group. Coal was later added to the Energy Products group. There was a management buyout in 1994 and the company was renamed Glencore International.

  Over the years Glencore has evolved from an organisation solely marketing commodities sourced from third parties into a diversified natural resources group through the acquisition and development of farming, mining, smelting, refining and processing production assets.

  We made our first equity investment in an industrial asset in 1987 when we acquired 27% of the Mt. Holly aluminium smelter in the United States, and acquired our first controlling interest in an industrial asset in 1988 via our purchase of a 66.7% interest in a zinc/lead mine in Peru. Today, Glencore and its subsidiaries own production assets across a diverse range of commodities.

  In addition, Glencore directly or indirectly holds significant stakes in many publicly-listed companies, including Xstrata plc. (listed in London and Zurich), Century Aluminum (listed on NASDAQ), Katanga Mining (listed in Toronto), Minara Resources (listed in Sydney), UC Rusal (listed in Hong Kong) and Chemoil Energy (listed in Singapore).

  In May 2011, Glencore became a public company with a primary listing on the London Stock Exchange and a secondary listing on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong.

