


克里斯·安德森(Chris Anderson)
克里斯·安德森(Chris Anderson)


  • 1 克里斯·安德森简介
  • 2 克里斯·安德森的主要理论
  • 3 Chris Anderson


  克里斯·安德森(Chris Anderson)长尾理论的作者,生于1961年。自2001年起担任美国《连线》杂志(Wired)总编辑。在他的领导之下,《连线》杂志五度获得“美国国家杂志奖”(National Magazine Award)的提名,并在2005年获得“卓越杂志奖”(General Excellence)金奖。



  长尾理论是网络时代兴起的一种新理论,由美国人克里斯·安德森提出。长尾理论认为,由于成本和效率的因素,过去人们只能关注重要的人或重要的事,如果用正态分布曲线来描绘这些人或事,人们只能关注曲线的“头部”,而将处于曲线“尾部”、需要更多的精力和成本才能关注到的大多数人或事忽略。例如,在销售产品时,厂商关注的是少数几个所谓“VIP” 客户,“无暇”顾及在人数上居于大多数的普通消费者。而在网络时代,由于关注的成本大大降低,人们有可能以很低的成本关注正态分布曲线的“尾部”,关注“ 尾部”产生的总体效益甚至会超过“头部”。例如,某著名网站是世界上最大的网络广告商,它没有一个大客户,收入完全来自被其他广告商忽略的中小企业。安德森认为,网络时代是关注“长尾”、发挥“长尾”效益的时代。

  克里斯•安德森在《连线》上发表的一篇文章首次探讨了“长尾”问题,现在,这篇文章已经成为当代最有影响力商业文章之一,而长尾理论这个词也频频在世界各地的会议室和媒体上出现,成为商务人士讨论的焦点。长尾理论获得《商业周刊》“Best ldea of 2005”奖项,并被《GQ》杂志称为“2006最重要的创见”。


  克里斯·安德森在其《免费经济学》中认为:所谓“免费经济” 主要有三种:




Chris Anderson

  Chris Anderson (born 1961) is editor-in-chief of Wired Magazine, which has won a National Magazine Award under his tenure. He wrote an article in the magazine entitled The Long Tail , which he expanded upon in the book The Long Tail: Why the Future of Business Is Selling Less of More (2006). He currently lives in Berkeley, California with his wife and five young children.

  He is the chairman of a new startup, BookTour.com

  Before joining Wired in 2001, he worked at The Economist, where he launched their coverage of the Internet. He also has a degree in physics from George Washington University and did research at Los Alamos National Laboratory. He has also worked at the journals Nature and Science.

  He is currently working on a new book, entitled Free, which examines the rise of pricing models which give products and services to customers for free.The book will be released on July 6, 2009 by Hyperion.

  Issues of plagiarism came to controversy when a reviewer discovered several passages were copied verbatim from uncredited sources. Anderson responded to the claim stating that there was difficulty in agreement between him and the publisher over accurate citation of Wikipedia due to the changing nature of content. Also in response, the book will be corrected before release with citations for sourced material.
