


三井不动产株式会社(Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd.)



  • 1 三井不动产株式会社简介
  • 2 三井不动产株式会社的著名建筑
  • 3 Mitsui Fudosan
  • 4 Statement / Vision / Mission
  • 5 相关条目


  三井不动产株式会社(Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd.,TYO:8801)是日本东京著名的豪华房产开发商,其历史可追溯到 1673 年由三井家创始人三井高利Mitsui Takatoshi)在日本桥开设的越后屋服装店。 三井公司的房地产部门始建于 1914 年,并在 1941 年成为独立实体,即三井不动产株式会社,资产为 300 万日元,由三井家族全资拥有。


  1961 年,该公司进入住宅和度假地产业,随后又建造了日本首座摩天大楼霞关大厦。该公司一直处于日本豪华房产开发的前沿,不仅建造住宅房产,也建造商用房。其一部分著名房产包括: LaLaport 船桥,日本首个大规模的区域购物中心,1981 年改名为 LaLaport Tokyo-Bay。 东京迪士尼乐园,由东方乐园株式会社负责建造,该公司是三井不动产和京成电铁株式会社在 1983 年共同设立的合资公司。 鹤见 Hanaport Blossom,1995 年日本(大阪)首个工厂直营购物中心。 2004 年建造的东京日本桥1-Chome 大厦(Coredo 日本桥)。 2005 年建造的东京三井花园银座酒店。

Mitsui Fudosan

  Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd. (TYO: 8801), is a Japanese property firm based in Chūō, Tokyo. In 2005 the company set up office in Shanghai, People's Republic of China to better position itself in P. R. China's real estate market. They constructed 461 Fifth Avenue in New York City in 1988.

Statement / Vision / Mission

  Group Statement

  The Mitsui Fudosan Group aims to bring the very best in affluence and comfort to urban living.

  Group Vision


  Seeking to link diverse values and coexist in harmony with society,as symbolized by the Mitsui Fudosan, we will work to foster social and economic development and benefit the environment.

  Evolution and value creation

  By bringing knowledge and experience together in diverse ways, we seek to advance the real estate business and create new value, both home and abroad, appropriate to global changes in social environments and market structures.

  A profitable and growing Mitsui Fudosan Group

  We seek to create a profitable and growing Mitsui Fudosan Group, acting honestly and fairly to realize the capabilities of the entire organization.

  Group Mission

  Innovation in real estate-related solutions and services

  Work in partnership with customers

  Raise our corporate value

  Create strong corporate group by building the capabilities of individuals

