

FMG集团(Fortescue Metals Group Ltd.)



  FMG集团(Fortescue Metals Group Ltd)是澳大利亚第三大铁矿石出口商公司成立于2003年。自成立以来,其惊人的发展速度史无前例,凭借其300亿澳元市值及因成功运作而不断扩大的声誉,FMG已成为澳大利亚矿业出口中新的重量级公司。

  FMG集团(Fortescue Metals Group Ltd)是澳大利亚第三大铁矿石出口商,公司成立于2003年。自成立以来,其惊人的发展速度史无前例,凭借其300亿澳元的市值及因成功运作而不断扩大的声誉,FMG已成为澳大利亚矿业出口中新的重量级公司。

  FMG项目建设于2006年2月在黑德兰港安德圣角启动,随后港口、铁路及矿山建设全面展开,仅用2年时间完成了对外开放的铁路基础设施建设,FMG Herb Elliott港也投入使用,公司第一个矿山-断云矿山的开采正在全面进行。





  A Dynamic Organisation

  ASX Code: FMG

  Fortescue is the New Force in Iron Ore and has joined the world's leading producers of iron ore.

  Since the Company was formed in 2003, its extraordinary growth has been unparalleled. Listed in the S&P/ASX 50 share index, Fortescue has firmly established itself as one of the world's largest producers and sea-borne traders of iron ore.

  From Construction to Production

  Construction of Fortescue's port, rail and mine project commenced in February 2006 with the turning of the first sod at the Company's port site at Anderson Point in Port Hedland. Just two years later in 2008, the open-access rail infrastructure was complete and operations were underway at the Fortescue Herb Elliott Port and at the Company's first minesite, Cloudbreak.

  Shipping started on 15 May of 2008 and Project Completion was achieved within months. On the 18th of July, Fortescue's fifth anniversary, the Company successfully mined, railed and shipped at a rate of 24Mtpa for a one month period. This accomplishment occurred in line with the detailed business plan for its Pilbara Project.

  In the first full year of operations, Fortescue mined, railed and shipped more than 27 million tonnes of iron ore to customers in China.

  Many milestones have been achieved since then including the establishment of Fortescue's second minesite at Christmas Creek to create the Chichester Hub and the development of plans for the Solomon Hub of tenements to the west of the company's original mines.


  Fortescue's project was founded on the raising of A$3.7 billion capital, including A$1 billion equity, during two finance roadshows in August 2006 and July 2007. The August 2006 raising was the largest single high-yield Asia-Pacific transaction, the largest high-yield bond project financing ever, one of the largest corporate bonds out of Australia and one of the largest global bond issues in the sector. Since then Fortescue has grown to become a S&P/ASX 50 company.

  Over 49,000 Australians have become shareholders in the proudly Australian founded and managed company.

  Reserves and Resources

  With about 5.1 billion tonnes of Resources, including 1.625 billion tonnes of Reserves already delineated from less than 10 per cent of its 71,400 square kilometres of Pilbara tenements, Fortescue is well-positioned to take advantage of the current 'golden age' for iron ore.

  In July 2009, Fortescue announced a 1.23 billion tonne (Bt) Inferred Resource Estimate for its Glacier Valley tenement area. Glacier Valley is held by Fortescue but is subject to a joint venture agreement with an Australian subsidiary of China's Baosteel Group Corporation.
